A 1656 Voter Guide (Digital-FREE)
A 1656 Voter Guide
Incredibly little is known about William Gurnall. He was a Puritan who pastored in Lavenham, Suffolk and he wrote a 1300+ page book on the Armor of God. Beyond that, all I can add is he is brilliant!
But let me narrow my thoughts to this small booklet on politics, and in particular, voting.
I found this sermon while I was listening to a compilation of Gurnall's works. With my focus of late on Washington D.C., I was stopped dead in my tracks for Rev. William Gurnall could have been a 21st Century pastor speaking to what he is seeing in the USA.
In reality, however, he is a 17th Century Pastor with a prophetic voice to his Congregation in Lavenham, Suffolk, England on the day they were to vote for Parliamentary leadership, in 1656.
I'm not sure how you will view this booklet. For me it was sobering.
Enjoy or Maybe Not
Mark S Mirza
August 14, 2019
Author's Note:
You may or may not know I go to Washington D.C. once a month to pray with politicians. I don't go to "fix" anyone's politics, in fact, I don't go to talk politics at all. My sole purpose is to bear their burdens.
If you have ever taken the time to pray with someone, anyone, you have had the same experience I do when I am with these politicians. They are just so grateful for someone to pray for their personal needs.
Would you consider doing the same thing, but in your State Capitol, your County Courthouse, or your City Hall?
Join us, by giving us your name and email address and we will encourage you to pray for your politicians: www.MarkMirza.com/politics
If you have been given this for free. It is just that, FREE. We do ask, however, that if you want to pass it along, consider a small donation to the ministry (or a large one). I promise EVERY dollar will go to pay expenses for my D.C. trips.
You can donate at www.MarkMirza.com/donations
Peculiar Edits
The printed manuscript of William Gurnall's sermon has italics and word Capitalizations where we are not used to seeing them. I have left most of them.
And in some places, I have added words to help explain or apply a sentence.
I have tried to adapt gender norms for the orthodox Christian church of today.
Just as I have tried to temper, without omitting all of the Olde-English jargon.
You will see a variation of the word "Magistrates" throughout this document. It should be obvious these are the people we would call our "voted-in" (elected) public servants. This booklet will apply from your City Hall to Washington's halls.
Again, I trust you will find this as compelling as I did.
Mark S Mirza
© 2019