Prayer Made Alive, (Book 1) English (Digital)
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Prayer Made Alive, English
Book 1 was written in 2009 and translated into Spanish for a missions trip to Baja California. As this third book is being written, book 1 has just been translated into Swahili for an August trip. It was designed with small vignettes of messages on prayer insights, to be given in a classroom setting over 6 days.
Prayer Made Alive - Book 1
If you are a natural pray-er then encouragement to pray is probably unnecessary.
But if you are like me, and if you are like most people, prayer does not come easily or naturally. This is for a number of reasons, and we will address many of these over the next few pages.
Another reason prayer is difficult though is that Satan knows the importance of prayer. In fact, I would say that he knows more about prayer than you and I do and therefore he wants to keep us from it.
And I believe what he knows most about prayer, what scares him most IS NOT GOD MOVING because you pray, but you CHANGING because you pray.
See the video on Why Satan Does Not Want You to Pray:
If I had to narrow this booklet down to two points, two gems I would like you to glean, they would be:
- Improved understanding of, and comfort level with, prayer, both intellectually and by practice.
- That youíd exit this teaching with practical ways to do prayer, both individual and corporate.
Please know one more thing, there were a lot of men in Atlanta, Georgia praying for those this book was originally written for, a mission trip to Baja California in 2009. They had been praying during the preparation of this material, they prayed for those going through the material and they prayed for them after the mission trip, knowing they would face trials and tests to strengthen and challenge their faith muscles.
But many of these men are STILL PRAYING for you. They constantly seek the Lord on your behalf and will continue to do so.
God Bless you, as you seek Him.