Prayer Made Alive, (Book 3) Praying Your Prayer Cards
Praying with Paul - The Lost Art of Praying Scripture Back to God
Book 1 was written in 2009 and translated into Spanish for a missions trip to Baja California. As this third book is being written, book 1 has just been translated into Swahili for an August trip. It was designed with small vignettes of messages on prayer insights, to be given in a classroom setting over 6 days.
Book 2 entitled Praying Psalm 119 was written in 2012. It was a result of a daily radio spot I did in Columbus GA, called the Ranger Joeís God and Country Show. Basically, I wrote each stanza of Psalm 119 as a prayer. Seeing how rich it was, I then wrote a prayer based on the keyword in each stanza, and then two more prayers, based on the key emphasis and key application in each stanza. Psalm 119 REALLY comes alive at that point (no pun intended).
Book 3 is now our latest endeavor to see prayer come alive in your life (this time, pun intended). Here, we give very specific prayers for each of Paul's Prayers in his Epistles.
You may want to use our prayer cards (sold separately). These prayers will provide an example of how you can customize to your prayers.
For 40 years Mark led the Men's prayer ministry (Sons of Thunder) for Dr. Charles Stanley at First Baptist Church in Atlanta. He is now out on his own, helping churches with their ministry of prayer, both corporate and personal.
Mark is a STRONG proponent of Praying Scripture Back to God and getting back to A Solemn Assembly. He will both demonstrate and speak to these issues. Mark will often admit that prayer does NOT come easily to him. He has to work at it which is why you will appreciate his focus on Praying Scripture Back to God and A Solemn Assembly.
Mark was in the corporate world until July 2008 and then worked at First Baptist Atlanta until November of 2010 when he started Common Thread Ministries, full time. Until then, Common Thread Ministries was a part-time endeavor.
You can go to the website to see Mark's speaking schedule and also see how you can participate in the ministry by praying for him and the churches he meets with.
Mark is married and he and his wife, Naida, live in downtown Atlanta. Besides being an avid collector of old Christian books (usually on prayer, of course), he and his wife have a horse, Jumper, boarded in North Georgia where they like to spend much of their spare time.
You can find all three of them and Common Thread Ministries on Twitter and Facebook by searching for CTMPrayer as well as @CTMPrayer.
Mark S Mirza