Rainbows and Promises, Book 1 (Digital)
Rainbows and Promises - Book 1 (New Testament) Digital
Teaching Children to Pray:
Often I find myself being asked about teaching children to pray. My initial answer is almost always the same and comes from something that has been mentioned publicly many times, by Dr. Charles F Stanley. He says, "My mother taught me how to pray, but she never said, 'Charles, this is how you pray.'"
The point? We teach prayer by example! So, let me encourage parents and grandparents to take this little book and PRAY IT WITH your little one.
This little book is a compilation of an 1887 book of verses originally written for children, and the simple prayers that we have written, simply use those verses.
The Original Book:
The original compiler of these verses is a guess at this point, as his name isn't recorded in the book, and E. P. Dutton does not have it either. However, in researching this book I found a possible and probable author, Rev. George Everard.
After looking him up on the internet I found that he was an avid writer of childrenís books, writing nearly 40 as far as I could tell.
It was said of Rev. Everard that, "He had a peculiar aptitude for talking to children. His striking stories arrested their attention, and his bright and pleasant manner of pointing even the youngest children to the Saviour gained their affectionate goodwill and confidence. The bright eyes and happy faces of the crowds of little ones, when thus spoken to, was indeed a touching and impressive sight. . ."
A Note From Mark:
Oh, my friend, my prayer is that the eyes of your kids' hearts might brighten and the ears of their hearts might be comforted, as you read these prayers with them.
While there are a number of books on teaching children to pray, this book is specifically designed for children to associate praying with Scripture. As parents or grandparents read these pages with your little ones, you too will also experience a blessing.
I look forward to hearing your stories. You'll never know the honor it is for me, to know that you are blessing your little ones simply by reading this with them.
You will not find this book in any way intimidating, even if you currently do not pray often (or at all). I suspect that I will hear some of you say, "Hey, I can do this!"
Mark S Mirza